Issuing the medical file
SA Tallinna Hambakliinik (hereinafter Dental Clinic) documents the health services provided to the patient. When documenting the provision of health services, it is mandatory to use the classifications, lists, address data and health information system standards of the state information system.
When dental services are provided, a dental record is prepared for each patient to whom dental care is provided. The dental record is kept for at least 110 years after the birth of the patient. In addition to the dental record, the dental clinic keeps X-ray images, photos of the patient’s dentition, contracts for the provision of health services, treatment invoices and other relevant documents related to the provision of dental services to the patient. These documents are called the medical file. Patients can access their medical records through the health portal at
The patient has the right to submit an application to receive extracts and/or copies of the medical file. The application must be submitted signed (both handwritten signature and digital signature are accepted). You can find the application form in this section.
According to the principles of personal data protection, we can issue the patient’s medical file to:
- the patient themselves;
- the patient’s legal representative whose right of representation can be verified by the dental clinic (birth certificate, court judgment, etc.);
- the patient’s authorised representative – by an authorisation in unattested written form, the patient designates a suitable person to whom their medical file can be issued. The authorisation document must have a patient signature;
- an institution or a person who has the respective right pursuant to the law.
The application can also be submitted to our customer service on site. To do this, please bring your identity document with you.
Based on an application submitted electronically, we send an extract and/or copy of the medical file encrypted to the patient’s e-mail address. To open an encrypted document, you need valid ID card certificates and PIN1. You can find more information about using the ID card on the website
Please send applications to be submitted electronically to the e-mail address Your application will be reviewed within five working days after receiving thereof.